Self-reflection is the practice of critically thinking about one’s teaching experiences, with the intention of understanding the implications of that experience and applying insights in one’s future teaching. To reflect on your teaching, you may draw on multiple sources, including your own perspective and experience, feedback from colleagues, peer reviewers, and students, as well as the research literature and Teaching and Learning Scholarship.
Faculty are expected to include a self-reflection in their Annual Reviews. Self-reflections are expected to range between 250-1,000 words.
Academic units have flexibility in determining their guidelines for self-reflection, but each should incorporate the Elements of Effective Teaching. Check with your unit about its expectations. Units may also choose to not have a single approach.
Units may use the guidance provided in the appendix of the University Faculty Senate report on Faculty Self-Reflection within the Teaching Assessment Framework .
Units may also choose another framework or source of reflection, such as a Teaching Philosophy Statement, this Self-Reflection Quick Start Guide, or the Student Feedback Annotation.
If you would like to discuss your Self-Reflection with a SITE faculty consultant, please reach out to any of the consultants or email