Penn State University

Assessment of Teaching - Senate Reports

The Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework is the result of work by a number of University Faculty Senate committees from June 2020 to April 2023. Below are links to the reports presented to the Faculty Senate.

Once the Advisory/Consultative reports were passed by the senate, they were sent to the president for approval. The implmentation of the new framework has been delegated to the Vice Provost forFaculty Affairs (VPFA). The VPFA collaborates with the Standing Advisory Committee for Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness (docx), most of whom are faculty senators.

Additional decisions have been made duirng the rollout of the framework. A record of these decisions will be posted on the VPFA webpage; a link to those decisions will be provided here when available.

April 27, 2021

Developing a Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework (Appendix O) Advisory/Consultative

This report proposes a Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework that addresses the over-reliance on quantitative results, an intent to reduce bias in the interpretation of evidence, and improve consistency across academic units.

March 28, 2023

Implementation of Structural Elements within the Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework (docx) (Appendix N) Informational

This Informational report describes the work of the Senate Special Joint Task Force on the Implementation of the Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework and the feasibility of implementing key elements of the 2021 report, including the definition of Elements of Effective Teaching (which are listed on pp. 5-6).

April 25, 2023

Implementation of Student Feedback within the Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework (Appendix I), Advisory and Consultative.
Implementation of Peer Review within the Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework (Appendix P), Informational.
Implementation of Faculty Self-Reflection within the Faculty Teaching Assessment Framework (Appendix Q), Informational.

These are the reports from each of the three subcommittees of the task force. The peer review and self-reflection reports are informational, while the student feedback report is Advisory/Consultative.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of teaching assessment, please reach out to any SITE faculty consultant or send an email to

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Penn State University