We will send you an email when your key(s) and student answer sheets are scanned. You can then either pick up the sheets from the Scanning Operations office, or we will send them to you through campus mail. We will separate any sheets with errors. Sheets that were able to be scanned but have errors will have a yellow page with them. Sheets that we were not able to scan will have a pink sheet. Unscanned sheets may be fixed and returned for us to scan again.
After you receive your email, you may log into the Scanning Instructor Tools website to fix any errors, rescore your exam, and generate exam reports.
Beyond the Dashboard and Settings, the site has 4 main functions; Rescore, Sheet Data, Reports, Answer Keys. The Settings section allows you to add a proxy user. The proxy user has the same access as you. The proxy user must be listed as an instructor in LionPath.
This page is used to rescore your exam after you…
This page allows you to…
This page allows you to…
This page allows you to…
Canvas Score Reports are available as a custom report option on the Reports tab. Instructions to upload a report into Canvas Gradebook are available at Canvas LMS DOC-2850.
Note: To omit with credit, you must first omit without credit, then go to "Giving the entire class additional points" to add points.
Note: This will not give credit to students who left a question blank. If you want to give all students points for a question, even if they did not answer the question, first omit the question with 0 pts then give the entire class points using the "Giving the entire class additional points" feature.
Note: This will not give credit to students who left a question blank. If you want to use this feature to give all students points for a question, even if they did not answer the question, first omit the question with 0 pts then give the entire class points using this feature.