Penn State University

Tools and Resources

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This document describes criteria for an effective electronic teaching portfolio.

Power Point presentation delivered by Andy Lau, during the 2009 Sustainability Conference. This describes how faculty may incorporate sustainability into their courses.

A web-based database sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (EIS) of the U.S. Department of Education. Considered the world's premier database of journal and non-journal education literature, ERIC is free and is the first place to start for literature searches.

Support in the appropriate use of technology for teaching, learning, and research.

Examples of rubrics for 1) Class participation; 2) lab reports; 3)oral participation; and 4) a teaching portfolio. Document also includes rubrics of different grain sizes: holistic rubric compared with grading checklist. There is also a case study about a request to have an assignment regraded.

This article is written by one of the most well-known professors in engineering education, Richard Felder. While not new, is still relevant to instructors teaching large courses. Felder says: "When we find ourselves teaching a mob, it's easy to throw up our hands, conclude that there's no chance of getting any responsiveness out of 150 or 300 students in an auditorium... Fortunately, there are ways to make large classes almost as effective as their smaller counterparts. Without turning yourself inside out, you can get students actively involved, help them develop a sense of community, and give frequent homework assignments without killing yourself (or your teaching assistants) with impossible grading loads. BEATING THE NUMBERS GAME: EFFECTIVE TEACHING IN LARGE CLASSES, by Richard M. Felder, Department of Chemical Engineering
North Carolina State University. Presented at the 1997 ASEE Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 1997.

This report focuses on using student ratings data in the faculty evaluation process and is based on Linse's 2017 peer-reviewed publication, with additions specific to Penn State and the SRTEs. Linse, A. R. (2017). Interpreting and using student ratings data: Guidance for faculty serving as administrators and on evaluation committees. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 54, 94–106;

The Faculty Senate revision to Student Policy 42-27 Class Attendance states that instructors may provide remote asynchronous instruction on a November election day so students can participate in or work the polls at local, state or federal elections. We offer this guidance in preparation for such instruction.

Penn State’s Faculty Assessment of Teaching Framework assesses teaching using evidence from three sources, peer review, self-assessment, and student feedback. The framework also identifies four Elements of Effective Teaching, which provide a foundation of understanding, advance a shared language for communication, and serve as standards against which the combined sources of evidence are judged. Academic units may also use the elements as an invitation to discuss other important aspects of effective teaching. This document includes teaching examples by element.

This page was produced by the University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences. The most useful part is the subsection about "approaches to enhance specific writing abilities." That subsection includes information / activities that instructors can use to help students read and write scientific papers (e.g., breaking an abstract into its component parts, synthesizing information from different sources).

Graphical representations of equity and student success. Images represent equality, inequality, bias & systemic racism, diversity, and equity using ladders (rather than a sports analogy).

Expectations for student conduct in the Pollock Testing Center. Slide for instructors to share with their students.

This document guides faculty interested in course- or classroom-based research on student learning in the design process. Following the guidelines will help ensure that the research projects will be sound and robust and resulting insights can inform and extend our understanding of the processes of learning and of supporting that learning with effective, evidence-based instruction. While created to meet requirements for Canadian standards, the resource is also useful for researchers in the U.S.
The guide takes researchers through the essentials of the Canadian standards for ethical practice in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) which are unique because of participants (human subjects) are also typically the researcher’s students. This Guide translates the Canadian TCPS2 (2014) for the researcher conducting SoTL research.

This resource is written by Lisa Fedoruk at the University of Calgary, with contributions by 18 scholars across Canada. It is grounded in the Canadian document governing research ethics, but the specific strategies listed throughout will be useful and helpful for researchers in other countries. Provided by Nancy Chick, Academic Director of the Taylor Institute for Teaching & Learning, University Chair in Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary.

Components for evaluating group work.

Components for evaluating lectures.

Components for evaluation of faculty to student feedback.

This evaluation form encompasses all supplementary materials including: handouts, Power Point slides and films as well as web-based materials (e.g., websites, tutorials, exercises) provided to the reviewer outside the classroom observation.

Components for syllabus evaluation.

Everywhere you turn, colleagues are talking about evidence-based teaching. But even when
the evidence is convincing, it can be tough to choose a strategy and begin using it well. This
navigational guide will help you get started.
Horii, C. V. (2018) Wise Instructional Choices in an Evidence-driven Era. NEA Higher Education Advocate, 36(3), 6-9.

This document includes example program-level learning objectives for internships. It was created by faculty at Penn State Berks.

This is an example of how the College of Information Sciences and Technology organizes their Online Courses.

Examples of multiple CATs (classroom assessment techniques) and how to use them.

Exit slips are an active learning strategy that requires students to put information into their own words, so they can internalize the content, identify gaps in their understanding, or alert the instructor to potential problems. This document contains examples of prompts for use in any course.

Penn State University